Thursday, December 27, 2007
Cookie cutting magicians.
Steve martin was himself when he performed he knew that is was not for him but for them.To me this is something that most cookie cutting magicians forget about. I have always wanted to be differnt. That way no one can say to me I have seen that before.I want them to remember me for me not the tricks but that I was who God made me to be. Think thru your magic and see how you canstart to be differnet and why you are doing that enjoy magic and enjoy life.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas over at
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas
Saturday, December 15, 2007
What a great book.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Is there room for Bling in Magic?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So normally I do not do reviews but after watching this video I had to. Long story short Bizzaro you rock homes.
If you are looking for a DVD that will teach you everything you have ever wanted to know about the great razor blade illusion then you have to look no further. To me this DVD is on it own. There is no DVD on the market like it. Very funny ,spooky,informational,and just a great DVD to watch and learn.
This video is taped at the 13th street morgue if that can tell you anything. It is not a spook fest but it is just a very fun DVD. I have not done this effect but I am going to go out and buy some blades and start cutting myself. (wait not like that ) Never mind . Anyways I would give this DVD a four and a half stars out of 5. But do not take my word for it go and buy it and find out for yourself. Again great job Bizzaro. To pick this dvd up just click here.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Helping you out
I have some great friends in magic and one thing that we talk about sometimes is how the magic community right now is all about let's rip this person up or tear that person down. Here are my thoughts "Cann't we all just get along".
Come on people get over this stupied crap. I use to go on a few magic forums but I have stoped because that is all they are about anymore. Magic is here to bring people together not to tear aprat. I think that many of you have forgotted about that fact. So let's start helping each other out instead of hating this person or that person and as always enjoy magic and life.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Making Real Magic
Starting next week I am going to start talking a little about how you can make your magic more real looking. First of all I know what you are thinking. What do you mean by saying more magical. Well come back next week for more on this subject. Until then I think you should go to maybe itricks,youtbe and look up magic. You will start to see maybe where I will be going. Until then enjoy magic and life.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Relationships In Magic.
The other great thing about it is you are also building relationships for you next show. Everyone you perform for could be your next show. If you show that you care and build a relationship with them they will remember you next time they have a event. So That is it.
always enjoy magic and enjoy life.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Criaa Angels thoughts.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Card To Cake
I have just got word that my first DVD will be coming out monday. The project is called Card To Cake but features 10 of my favorite effects that I perform on a regular basis.
If any of you are around satuday night I will be doing a lecuture in Lebanon il at 7:30PM. $10 a person and the dvd will only $25 this night only. Well I can not wait till I get them in my hands they are going to be great videos. Just thought that I would let you know.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Take time off
Sometimes in our lives we need to step back and refocus. At one time I was all about the magic forums and getting my name into everything . Now I am more focused on performing and now my first DVD is coming out . The month of Decamber I will be taking off from performing so that I can pratice on my act and focusing on my family life.
So that is all. I really wish that some of you woul try this practice in your life. You will see that things around do not have to move so fast . As ferris would say life is to short . If you do not stop and look around a bit you might miss it.
Enjoy life and enjoy magic.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Hans Klok has a new Partnership

Friday, September 21, 2007
Review Time:The Cloak

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Cafe is Down?

So the last few days I have been yondering what has happened to our good friend the magic cafe. If you do not know the magic cafe is were magicians chat about all kinds of thing . It is one of the biggest Magic forums on the net today. It is great.
But I found out today that everything from jan to today has been lost. Everything is gone. You might not even be on there anymore. They had a major meltdown . Steve Brooks and everyone are working very hard to get it up and working again but I just thought that I would let you know.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Let's talk to Whit Hayden.

Inside magic is a great magic news web site. THe other day they interviewed Whit Hayden. A master at what he does and now you get to hear from his own words about who he is.
He was chosen by Caesars Palace to be one of the acts to open the $60 million Magical Empire at the Las Vegas Resort. Whit performs regularly on the most prestigious cruise ships including the Queen Elizabeth II, the Norway and the Westerdam. He has opened for Jerry Seinfeld, Loretta Lynn and Gallagher. He consulted and contributed to the Discovery Channel's documentary, Houdini -- They Came to See Him Die.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Penn gives a tour

So you want to know what is going on in Las vegas? Who better to ask then vegases very own Penn (the speaking part of Penn & Teller)
In the Startribune today they spoke with Penn about vegas and some other very intresting topic.
We wanted a tour guide who is like Las Vegas itself -- loud, larger than life and at least a little bit naughty.
Enter Penn Jillette.
He's loud. Ever hear him on TV, radio or in his stage act? He is not the silent one in Penn & Teller. He's larger than life: 6 feet 6 and, well, we're afraid to ask him how much he weighs.
To read more click here.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
What Do You Do When?

Nathan kranzo is a great thinker and a great guy. I was reading his email today and thought that I would pass on to you some of his thoughts on how to approach people when performing.
"Over the past few months members of Kranzo's Newsletter have received a number of my pet effects. Today I'd like to talk about how to execute that magic for an audience. I know that out of the thousands of people that read these newsletters there are beginners, amateurs, pro's and everything in between. I think the information I will share with you over the next few months will be valuable to ALL those people.
The Approach
When performing for small groups you will most likely be in a situation where you have to approach a group, or table, "cold". By that I mean you have not been introduced, and they have no clue who you are, or what you are doing. It's up to you to win them over so that they will allow you into their space, and ultimately, enjoy your magic.
One of my favorite gambits is to get invited to the table so THERE IS NO COLD APPROACH. I have a couple of clever ways to do this that I will talk about later. For now lets assume you have to approach cold.
There are primarily two ways to approach this situation. Go right into an amazing and quick effect, or establish a nice dialogue with the guests as you transition into some great magic.
Both work great and one might be better for YOU and your personal style. If you aren't a wordsmith I'd suggest going with the visual effect and let your magic do the talking for you. Of course you'll need to speak at some point. : ) If you are confident in your presentation and know how to quickly establish repoire with an audience, then you are ahead of the game.
No matter what approach you use here are a couple of important things to remember.
Be confident. Dogs smell fear and people do to. The only way you will be confident is if you know exactly what you are going to say and exactly what you are going to perform. Confidence can be displayed by your look, demeanor, speech, volume of voice, witty remarks, conveying a relaxed attitude etc.
Don't forget to smile
A smile is a powerful thing. If you've got a great smile this alone can open up a group and cause people to smile BACK at you. A strong smile is also a sign of confidence.
The name is the game
"Hi I'm Nathan Kranzo". 99% of the time when I approach a group, smile, and say that phrase, someone will offer their hand for a handshake and tell me THEIR name back. You've already got a great foot in the door because you are now a friendly face with a NAME! Your no longer a stranger. People are much less likely to blow you off when they shake hands with you and exchange names. While its just a little step you are slowly building a relationship. what? Well from here you either have to continue the conversation with some witty remarks, maybe ask them a question, make a joke etc. OR get right to the magic.
In a few days i'll share with you an opening effect that I've used in these situations for years. Your going to love it."
So there you go some great ideas on how to approach people. If you want more info like this click right here.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Ammar facts.

Michael Ammar is one to me today's Dai Vernon. He is the best of the best. Now he has come out with a michael site about says about him. Alot likeChuck Norris. HEre are some of them.
Ammar doesn't read minds. He already knows.
Michael Ammar has "ATFUS4EVER" tattooed under his mustache.
Michael Ammar's name can be rearranged into Mamma Charlie. 'Nuff said.
Ammar doesn't read magic books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
Michael Ammar is De'Vo.
For more check out
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Looking For Help

Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Where did it go?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
WHat Is Mac King Up To?

This just in from According to Robin Leach, Mac King has teamed with AOL’s youth imprint KOL to provide them with minute long videos teaching tricks like Goldfish Gourmet, String Together and Super-slick Card. Mac’s goofy style and trademark “howdy” greeting should be a great fit for the plugged in youth of America and abroad.
No word on when they will be up or how they will be presented just yet, but it follows a similar deal that Lance Burton recently made with Cox Communications, where the magician explains to viewers the features their DVR remote controls with his trademark flourishes and showmanship.
It seems like short-form magic videos by strip veterans are all the rage these days.
I think it is great to see Magicians doing things like this. To me it helps the magic community and gives it a postive image. You go Mac King & Lance.
Monday, August 27, 2007 Is Hot

Hello everyone

My name is Matthew Hampel. I am a full time magician. Everything about me is magic. Performing magic is something that I just love to do. This blog will be about what is going on in the magic world, or how I see magic today. I am really looking forward to starting this blog. I will try to update it at least once a week or more. You can also check me out on
Hope that you will subscribe and come back to see what is going on.