Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Where did it go?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
WHat Is Mac King Up To?

This just in from According to Robin Leach, Mac King has teamed with AOL’s youth imprint KOL to provide them with minute long videos teaching tricks like Goldfish Gourmet, String Together and Super-slick Card. Mac’s goofy style and trademark “howdy” greeting should be a great fit for the plugged in youth of America and abroad.
No word on when they will be up or how they will be presented just yet, but it follows a similar deal that Lance Burton recently made with Cox Communications, where the magician explains to viewers the features their DVR remote controls with his trademark flourishes and showmanship.
It seems like short-form magic videos by strip veterans are all the rage these days.
I think it is great to see Magicians doing things like this. To me it helps the magic community and gives it a postive image. You go Mac King & Lance.
Monday, August 27, 2007 Is Hot

Hello everyone

My name is Matthew Hampel. I am a full time magician. Everything about me is magic. Performing magic is something that I just love to do. This blog will be about what is going on in the magic world, or how I see magic today. I am really looking forward to starting this blog. I will try to update it at least once a week or more. You can also check me out on
Hope that you will subscribe and come back to see what is going on.