So I have been reading some blogs and looking around today on the net and this is something that is really bugging me. Books are vanishing and more and more DVD's are coming out on the market. People say that DVD's are better but then why is america one of the dumbest country's there is latly? I feel it is because no one wants to stop and read a book for a half hour or so. They want to want to watch the dvd and nothing else.
Do not get me wrong dvd's are nice heck I have put one out and soon I will again. I have dvd's heck and I have learned from some of them but what I am saying is most people only do the dvd thing and nothing else. That is what is sick to me. Pick up a book and really learn and not from some guy that has never picked up a book in his life but now has a great dvd. Learn from the best and that takes time and reading a book. Like always enjoy life and enjoy magic.
So this weekend I was talking to a friend of mine about magic. I thought that this phone call was going to take about 10 min or so but it ended up to be about 45 min of great talk. One of the things we talked about is being different. He told me that he has gotten turned down by the castle and some magic conventions because he is not there type of magic. But knowing him and seeing some of his stuff he is one of the greatest creator's and performers I know.
So here is my thing. Magicians are so worried about being just like this guy or that guy that they forget who they are. I have talked about this before but magicians still do not get it. I have been told that I am one of the kind and so has my friend. To me this is true because the two of us do not do the same pick a card any card trick. We strife to be different because some of the greatest magicians are the greatest because they are different. So think about your act and how you can be yourself and not like the guy down the road. So anyways enjoy magic and life.
So here is my thinking. Does what you do matter or make sence? Now I want you to think about that question and go back and rewatch the teller speaks video. I will wait._______________________________________________
Ok now your back so what do you think? Does what we do really matter or even have to make sence? I think yes it has to. I once heared Michael Ammar say that when you go to pocket do not go for magic dust but for a marker or a coin or something. There should be know were in the effect that people can back track to a point and say he did this when he did that. I can not stand to see magicians use the old thing about magic dust. That to me is a way to make our spectators feel cheap and used. I never want them to feel that way. If you do this then the only thing is to say is shame on you. When I perform my close up magic my goal is to have a relationship with my spectators. You cannot do that by making them feel used and cheap.
So I gusse what I am saying is do not make a bottle of wine appear just because you can. Make sure everything in your act fits and also think about your ending. Where do you want you spectators mind to be at the end. Then work your act on how to get there with out using magic dust.
Now rewatch the video one more time and then get to work. Enjoy magic andEnjoy life.
Matthew Hampel is St Louis' #1 Comedy Magician. He has been performing for over 20 years. He loves what he does because it is who He is. For more info go to