In this new year I am going to start sharing with you some secrets of success that I have found and wanting to help others with it. I will also be sharing my thoughts with you sometimes in a video that I will post on here. Well with that out of the way here we go.
Success can only come from your mind
In my line of work (being a Comedy Magician) there is a lot of people being so negative about things. Here is the thing that I have found out. You can only be a success if you think you are. Zig Ziglar once said " Look in the mirror everyday and tell yourself how great of a person you are".
I do not do this everyday but every show I do. I will find a mirror someplace where I am and tell myself that I am the best at what I do. Since I have been doing this every show my shows and attitude has changed. I do kind of the same thing everyday here at my home. Since most of my work is working at home where there is a dog and other things to do I have to put myself in the focus area. I have a time to go to work (walk into my office) and a break time and most of the time I dress up. All of these things have helped me have a more successful look on the things that I do.
So stop wasting your time looking at web sites that will take you far from where you want to be and start setting your mind with the idea that you are a successful person and I can tell you that it works. It has for me and I know it will for you as well. Let me know if it does work.
Go out and enjoy magic and enjoy life.