WOW what a great long week. The IBM/SAM have not had a convention together in 35 years. This was such a cool thing to find out. Well what do I say about a long week. If you can think of someone they where most likely there and I hope you were. The very first show that I saw in my first 30 min of being there was with MAc King as the MC and then from there it was game on. I did not stop until 10 o'clock at night when I finally went to my car and got my stuff. There was so much going on that I did not want to miss anything.That night and I think only that night was an early one I went to bed around 1 in the morning.
In the next few days I will be putting more info on my blog about what happened. I have got some great pictures as well. I am just putting a few on here today.
Picture number one is me with John Racherhaumer after his lecture on Ed Marlo. He was such a nice guy and to see some of his card stuff afterwards that night was so cool.
Well on Monday I was walking around and talking with my friend Michael Finney and look who walked by . Can you saw Marshall Brodien. It was great to get to talk to him about some of the past.
Well around 12:30 Tuesday night I was walking around and saw a family friend. Bev Bergeron.

Well after the lecture about comedy magic David Williamson was hanging out with me and Micheal Finney. What a great guy he is. I really love to see him showing some great card stuff at 3:00 in the morning to a bunch of kids. He loves to take time for them. You go Williamson.

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