Friday, May 9, 2008

Where does the time go?

So I just remembered that I have not written anything for a while. I know you might be asking why. Well here is the reason . I have been working. I know for some of you this might be a shock. A full time magician doing real shows and not wasting time on the Internet talking about stupid things. I have been working on my web site and my promo work and I have been performing.

This is the thing that most magicians do not get. Most of you think that just because you have bought the top number one magic trick in the world that you should now be working. To tell you the truth performing is %10 of my week . Most of it is working on promo and making calls(which non of us like but have to do to make money). I really hope that you can say that you have been doing the same thing. I think that really I have to say thank you to three people for helping me with getting focused. Number one my good friend and mentor Michael Finney. Number two again good friend Tom Kryztof and number three would be Eric Paul I have been listening to his Thursday night seminars and reading some of his stuff and it has been great for me.

Well I hope that you can start getting focused and start to make some great money. Enjoy magic and Enjoy golf . Now I am going to go golfing because I can :)

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