Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Books or Dvd's

So I have been reading some blogs and looking around today on the net and this is something that is really bugging me. Books are vanishing and more and more DVD's are coming out on the market. People say that DVD's are better but then why is america one of the dumbest country's there is latly? I feel it is because no one wants to stop and read a book for a half hour or so. They want to want to watch the dvd and nothing else.

Do not get me wrong dvd's are nice heck I have put one out and soon I will again. I have dvd's heck and I have learned from some of them but what I am saying is most people only do the dvd thing and nothing else. That is what is sick to me. Pick up a book and really learn and not from some guy that has never picked up a book in his life but now has a great dvd. Learn from the best and that takes time and reading a book. Like always enjoy life and enjoy magic.

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