Monday, February 18, 2008

Why o WHy

So this weekend I was talking to a friend of mine about magic. I thought that this phone call was going to take about 10 min or so but it ended up to be about 45 min of great talk. One of the things we talked about is being different. He told me that he has gotten turned down by the castle and some magic conventions because he is not there type of magic. But knowing him and seeing some of his stuff he is one of the greatest creator's and performers I know.

So here is my thing. Magicians are so worried about being just like this guy or that guy that they forget who they are. I have talked about this before but magicians still do not get it. I have been told that I am one of the kind and so has my friend. To me this is true because the two of us do not do the same pick a card any card trick. We strife to be different because some of the greatest magicians are the greatest because they are different. So think about your act and how you can be yourself and not like the guy down the road. So anyways enjoy magic and life.

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