Sunday, November 4, 2007

Take time off

So the last month or so I have taken some time off from my blog. I felt that I was getting to into some of the things I was saying and not being a magician. Now that I have taken the time off I have been very busy . That is what I would like to talk to you about here today.

Sometimes in our lives we need to step back and refocus. At one time I was all about the magic forums and getting my name into everything . Now I am more focused on performing and now my first DVD is coming out . The month of Decamber I will be taking off from performing so that I can pratice on my act and focusing on my family life.

So that is all. I really wish that some of you woul try this practice in your life. You will see that things around do not have to move so fast . As ferris would say life is to short . If you do not stop and look around a bit you might miss it.

Enjoy life and enjoy magic.

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